Please note the SP5010 is obsolete, we would offer an ME1.10 as a possible alternative. The ME1.10 does not have any Thermal Protection connections and will be 120mm Wide x 170mm High x 55mm deep, plus 10mm for the dial.
If thermal connections are being used you would need to use an REB 10, 127mm High x 205mm Wide x 95mm Deep
The Roof Units SP range of electronic fan speed controllers manufactured by Vent Axia. This range of fan speed controllers can be used with any Fan / Motor which is single phase – 240 volts and speed controllable using either 2 or 3 wire control (+earth).
SP5001 suitable for a maximum full load of 1.7 amp
SP5025 suitable for a maximum full load of 3 amps
SP5050 suitable for a maximum full load of 6 amps (up to 7 amps when used as 3 wire (+earth))
SP5010 suitable for a maximum full load of 10amps
The SP range of fan speed controllers can be used with any manufacturers fans / motors which are single phase and suitable for speed control via 2 or 3 wires (+earth) including