
Short Cased Axials (45)

Roof Units ESC25014 short cased axial flow extract fan by Vent-Axia

Roof Units ESC25014 short cased axial flow extract fan by Vent-Axia

Manufactured by Ziehl Abegg and distributed by Vent Axia and Systemair, this is probably the most popular short cased axial on the market today. Ziehl Abegg are one of, if not the biggest external rotor motor manufacturers in the world, they have over 100 years of engineering experience behind them, wh ...

SCD560/4-1AC  Elta Fans Compact Cased Axial Axial

SCD560/4 – 1AC Elta Fans Compact Cased Axial Axial

PLEASE NOTE THIS PRODUCT IS OBSOLETE, WE CAN OFFERREPLACEMENT MOTOR PLEASE SEE MOTOR PART NUMBER 600-VP900SA-4P IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ORDER The Compact SCD is a short cased axial fan, featuring Elta’s new high efficiency impeller, designed for duct mounting. Both 1ph fans are suitable for speed controlFans are suitable for operating ...

SCD630/4-1AC  Elta Fans Compact Cased Axial Axial

SCD630/4 – 1AC Elta Fans Compact Cased Axial Axial

PLEASE NOTE THIS PRODUCT IS OBSOLETE, WE CAN OFFERREPLACEMENT MOTOR PLEASE SEE MOTOR PART NUMBER 600-S-A3016 IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ORDER The Compact SCD is a short cased axial fan, featuring Elta’s new high efficiency impeller, designed for duct mounting. Both 1ph fans are suitable for speed controlFans are suitable for operating tem ...

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