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EL31TK Elta fan speed controller
The EL range of electronic fan speed controllers manufactured by Elta. This range of fan speed controllers can be used with any Fan / Motor which is single phase – 240 volts and speed controllable using either 2 or 3 wire control (+earth). 149-EL21 suitable for a maximum full load of 1.5 amps 149-EL31 suitable ...
EL41 Elta fan speed controller
The EL range of electronic fan speed controllers manufactured by Elta. This range of fan speed controllers can be used with any Fan / Motor which is single phase – 240 volts and speed controllable using either 2 or 3 wire control (+earth). 149-EL21 suitable for a maximum full load of 1.5 amps 149-EL31 suitable ...
EL61 Elta fan speed controller
The EL range of electronic fan speed controllers manufactured by Elta. This range of fan speed controllers can be used with any Fan / Motor which is single phase – 240 volts and speed controllable using either 2 or 3 wire control (+earth). 149-EL21 suitable for a maximum full load of 1.5 amps 149-EL31 suitable ...
EL61TK Elta fan speed controller
The EL range of electronic fan speed controllers manufactured by Elta. This range of fan speed controllers can be used with any Fan / Motor which is single phase – 240 volts and speed controllable using either 2 or 3 wire control (+earth). 149-EL21 suitable for a maximum full load of 1.5 amps 149-EL31 suitable ...
Elta Fans 149-TC110 Transformer Speed Controller 1ph 10amps
The TC range of Transformer Speed Controllers manufactured by Elta. The range of controls is used with any Fan/Motor 1ph — 240 Volts and speed controllable using either 2 or 3 wires plus earth. 149-TC12 suitable for a maximum of 2 amps149-TC14 suitable for a maximum of 4 amps ...
Elta Fans 149-TC112 Transformer Speed Controller 1ph 12amps
The TC range of Transformer Speed Controllers manufactured by Elta. The range of controls is used with any Fan/Motor 1ph — 240 Volts and speed controllable using either 2 or 3 wires plus earth. 149-TC12 suitable for a maximum of 2 amps149-TC14 suitable for a maximum of 4 amps ...
Elta Fans 149-TC116 Transformer Speed Controller 1ph 16amps
The TC range of Transformer Speed Controllers manufactured by Elta. The range of controls is used with any Fan/Motor 1ph — 240 Volts and speed controllable using either 2 or 3 wires plus earth. 149-TC12 suitable for a maximum of 2 amps149-TC14 suitable for a maximum of 4 amps ...
Elta Fans 149-TC12 Transformer Speed Controller 1ph 2amps
The TC range of Transformer Speed Controllers manufactured by Elta. The range of controls is used with any Fan/Motor 1ph — 240 Volts and speed controllable using either 2 or 3 wires plus earth. 149-TC12 suitable for a maximum of 2 amps149-TC14 suitable for a maximum of 4 amps ...
Elta Fans 149-TC14 Transformer Speed Controller 1ph 4amps
The TC range of Transformer Speed Controllers manufactured by Elta. The range of controls is used with any Fan/Motor 1ph — 240 Volts and speed controllable using either 2 or 3 wires plus earth. 149-TC12 suitable for a maximum of 2 amps149-TC14 suitable for a maximum of 4 amps ...
Elta Fans 149-TC18 Transformer Speed Controller 1ph 8amps
The TC range of Transformer Speed Controllers manufactured by Elta. The range of controls is used with any Fan/Motor 1ph — 240 Volts and speed controllable using either 2 or 3 wires plus earth. 149-TC12 suitable for a maximum of 2 amps149-TC14 suitable for a maximum of 4 amps ...