
Safety (142)

315mm Flexible Connection

315mm Flexible Connection

315mm Flexible connection, used to fit to Flanges (with spigots), Silencers (with spigots) or spiral ducting. A flexible connection is used to isolate the fan from the system to prevent vibration transfer and helps minimise noise transfer through fixings or structures. It can also be used to simplify installation by bridging any small gaps b ...

315mm Louvre Shutter

315mm Louvre Shutter

A Louvre Shutter is a gravity type shutter which can be used to terminate and weather extract systems. When the fan is running the plastic blades will open allowing the air to be extracted from the system, and when the fan is not running will be closed, this helps to prevent back draughts and water ingress The shutter is commonly used to terminate  ...

315mm Maxfan Compac supplied with Inverter Speed Controller by Flakt Woods

315mm Maxfan Compac supplied with Inverter Speed Controller by Flakt Woods

Introducing the amazing NEW Flakt Woods JM Maxfan Compac the evolution of the bestselling Maxfan designed for high performance and reliability The Maxfan has been improved to offer even higher pressures and fan performance using only one motor and only one impeller (the bit that goes around) The Maxfan Compac is supplied with an Inverter spe ...

355mm dia Flange

355mm dia Flange – suits any manufacturer of fans

mm dia Flange used to bolt directly to any manufacturer of Fans, as part of a full ancillary package or for the fan to mount inline in ducting. This flange is unique because it is designed to fix to UK and European PCD detail, meaning this flange will fix to any manufacturers fans Can also be used to fix directly to a Silencer Can al ...

355mm dia Flange

355mm dia Flange

355mm dia Flange used to bolt directly to the Fan, as part of a full ancillary package or for the fan to mount inline in ducting Can also be used to fix directly to a Silencer Can also be used to fix directly to ducting Hot dipped Galvanised after manufacture

355mm dia Flexible Connection

355mm dia Flexible Connection

355mm Flexible connection, used to fit to Flanges (with spigots), Silencers (with spigots) or spiral ducting. A flexible connection is used to isolate the fan from the system to prevent vibration transfer and helps minimise noise transfer through fixings or structures. It can also be used to simplify installation by bridging any small gaps b ...

355mm Louvre Shutter

355mm Louvre Shutter

A Louvre Shutter is a gravity type shutter which can be used to terminate and weather extract systems. When the fan is running the plastic blades will open allowing the air to be extracted from the system, and when the fan is not running will be closed, this helps to prevent back draughts and water ingress The shutter is commonly used to terminate  ...

355mm Maxfan Compac supplied with Inverter Speed Controller by Flakt Woods

355mm Maxfan Compac supplied with Inverter Speed Controller by Flakt Woods

Introducing the amazing NEW Flakt Woods JM Maxfan Compac the evolution of the bestselling Maxfan designed for high performance and reliability The Maxfan has been improved to offer even higher pressures and fan performance using only one motor and only one impeller (the bit that goes around) The Maxfan Compac is supplied with an Inverter spe ...

355mm Mounting Feet

355mm Mounting Feet

Supplied in pairs 355mm Mounting Foot, used to fit directly to the fan as part of a full ancillary package The Mounting Foot can be used to mount the fan in the horizontal or vertical position Usually used in conjunction with Anti Vibration Mounts Can also be used to fit directly to Silencers with or without Anti Vibration Moun ...

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